Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Walla Walla, Summer and Winter

Definitely four separate seasons in Walla Walla!

Class Photos

(Click on photos to embiggen, then use back button on browser to return.)
Here is 4th Grade in 1955. Miss Fritsche, the Principal, is at left, and Miss Dindorff, our teacher, is on the right. Sandy Staehlin (Frank), 2nd row, behind sign.

Here is 5th Grade, 1956. Miss Wellman, our teacher, was on leave that year due to illness, so we had substitute teachers, such as the two here. Sandy Staehlin (Frank), 2nd row, 2nd from right.

Here is 6th Grade, 1957, with Mr. Daniels, teacher.
Below it are the names of the kids in the 6th grade photo.

Here is a photo of the band with Mr. Jordan: